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REVIEW: 100 Gecs - "Rat Fucker"


Updated: Feb 13, 2022

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Not once in my life have I seen Hailey’s comet, which should be normal, after all, it’s last arrival was 16 years before my birth. Nonetheless, there are still moments in my life that truly feel as if they never return, so I must remember and treasure said moments. It’s a psychological victory, to feel based on individual moments, ones that stick with you. I’ll never forget, and neither will you. Musically, these moments don’t come often. Usually, they come with a combination of an enthralling environment and musical perfection. Like listening to ‘Sometimes’ on a rainy night in a city, or ‘Stone in Motion’ while exploring a dark pathway deep at night. But last night while browsing my phone, an environment that doesn’t often instill an enthralling feeling, I felt that same moment my mind covets so desperately. I was linked to the latest 100 gecs song, “Rat Fucker”. Now I’ve always supported 100 gecs, but their music never truly hit for me, they’ve felt like your average oddball music creator. Their career should’ve been one successful album, two if they were lucky, and then a fall off the earth. Yet here on “Rat Fucker” they proved that they are no normal act and that they can push forward the limits of music. Rat Fucker itself is an odd song, it carries themes of pop, rap, industrial electronic, and even post-rock. It is so incredibly versatile for only 1 ½ minutes, even including song themes. The silence is so powerful, it makes the song feel like the solar system and all sounds represent the passing comets and planets. It’s mindful, it’s skilled, and it’s packaged to appear as not. The song structure, the sounds, the silence, they all create a bit of mystery but they make you think outwardly. It fills the mind up with new ideas and expansion. The mind can only expand to a finite amount, but 100 gecs disregard that, they see the universe, and the endlessness of it all.

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