In 1968 when Led Zeppelin hit the music scene they single handedly redefined rock and roll. Up until that point the sound of the genre consisted of artists like Buddy Holly and The Beatles. While these artist were legends in their own regards they tended to have a warmer tone and softer approach to the genre. When Zeppelin hit the scene, their Rochus, aggressive, take on rock and roll redefined the genre and music as we know it forever. What if I told you Led Zeppelin was back? Greta Van Fleet is a new age Led Zeppelin. Their EP “From The Fires” is a breath of fresh air for any rock and roll fan. The genre is not dead and will not be dying anytime soon. With the lead singer, lead guitar player, and lead bassist all growing up in the same house hold they were raised on rock and roll. Their father was an extensive record collector and his collection in Frankenmuth, Michigan rivaled that of the best. Growing up on these records lead the brothers to all learn and engage in their respective instruments. With one of their good friends rounding out the quartet on the drums, Greta Van Fleet is pumping out Rock and Roll tracks like a modern day Zeppelin. At first listen, some might even mistake them for bands like Heart or Rush, but these kids are all under the age of twenty two and only have more music to share with the world. As a rock and roll fan, hearing a modern day band like this pumping out tracks that resemble that of their much older counterparts is an amazing and exciting concept. I highly recommend that any fan of rock and roll give Greta Van Fleets EP “From The Fires” a deep dive, and hear for yourself what the Robert, John, Jimmy, and Jon of this generation have to offer.