Favorite Track: "Shenanigans (Feat. Yung Bans)" Least Favorite: "I'm Depressed"

I’ve always found screamo-rap to be a very interesting sub genre in this new wave of trap music that the industry is currently in the midst of. The cross of the two genres can often result in some pretty off the wall and wacky sounds. Jasiah is an artist whose output intrigued me early on with songs like “Crisis” and “Shenanigans” and with nods from huge industry names such as Cole Bennet and Travis Barker this kid seemed like he was only going to get better. However, his new debut project is anything but that. I would say the most disappointing thing about it is that almost everything Jasiah does or tries to do on this LP can be traced down to one similar, familiar, and ripped off influence ; XXTENTACION. Throughout this whole project I truly don’t think this guy could be trying any harder to pull off an almost identical sound to his deceased contemporary. The imitation truly goes that far. The way he screams, his production choices, his cadence, his flows, even the effects placed on his voice are reminiscent of X’s sound. On this project when he isn’t trying his best to play simon says the ideas fall even flatter than when he is trying to do so. Songs like the minute long “I’m depressed” really expose the true lack of substance on this thing. The track consists of Jasiah screaming the words “I’m depressed” for a minute (that’s literally it). I genuinely can’t imagine the thought process here. I just don't understand the point in putting something like this on your debut album/ It’s not a true expression of emotion and it makes no sense. It almost reminds me of what Mac DeMarco was doing on his last album with songs like “Here comes the cowboy”. On top of the lack of ideas the consistently short song length on these cuts make them feel even less substanceless. This album is a complete rip off of things we have already heard come out of this genre and what's even worse is that he doesn’t even try to hide it. He didn’t refresh or flesh out any of the blue prints ayed out for him on this project. Rather, on this album Jasiah decides he wants to be Jaseh and the result is disastrous and wildy disappointing.