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REVIEW: Maroon 5 - It Won't Be Soon Before Long

Updated: Feb 7, 2022


Favorite Track: "Won't Go Home Without You"

Least Favorite Track: "Not Falling Apart"

If you have grown up any time in the early 2000s you have probably heard at least one Maroon 5 song. The groups explosive hooks, catchy lyrical style and overall sound has grown their popularity throughout, pretty much this whole century. It Wont Be Soon Before Long, is Maroon 5’s second studio Album. It blends pop vocals with SOME rock instrumentals and explosive, catchy hooks to create a very infectious album that is definitely worth a listen. The reason I say some rock instrumentals is that, instrumentally this album is both very stripped down and lacks a lot of substance. The drum beats are second to none , as I don’t think I heard one cut off this record without a variation of a 4x4 with varying tempos lacking any kind of impressive fill. The guitar riffs lack flavor and often get very repetitive. The base although sometimes it does make you tap your foot a little as their style of music is very catchy, still lacks any definitive dynamic direction. In addition to this, I would call It Wont Be Soon Before Long unfocussed as it lacks any real direction besides being a bunch of catchy pop rock songs. In the landscape of 2007, Maroon 5 was doing something somewhat unique but I can’t necessarily say this record has aged well. It’s rather repetitive instrumentally and vocally. The only real thing that keeps some of the tracks fresh is the collection of explosive hooks on this record. Subjectively, Adam Levine’s voice is average at best. Give or take some of his high flying falsettos and his voice is truly average in my opinion. Despite this Levine is essentially the Maroon 1. With how instrumentally stripped down It Won’t Be Soon Before Long is, the main focus is almost always on Levine’s vocals as there really isn’t any instrumental appeal besides a good backing to his voice. If catchy pop/rock songs are your cup of tea you will enjoy this infectious record otherwise, the repetitiveness can make this a clunky listen if you take a deep dive into its sound.

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