
Late 80s and 90s punk had a very definitive sound, capitalized on and engineered by some of the gods of the grunge era like, Nirvana, Radiohead, and Pearl Jam but Pixies took a different approach to 90s punk. Their catchier, groovier, and more artistic approach to punk music on Doolittle is one of the many reasons Pixies are one of the most important alternative bands of the past 50 years. With an approach focusing on writing catchy songs with good hooks rather than thrash songs with gigantic live presence, Doolittle was a different kind of punk album for its time. Clear elements of funk and pop influence are plastered all over this record. A great example is in one of the Pixies greatest hits ever, Here Comes Your Man. Blending both an acoustic and electric riff gives this song an interesting feel but what makes it the classic it is, is the obviously funk influenced base line in this track played by bassist Kim Deal. It truly is one of the most iconic base riffs that we got from the late 80s and a great example of where some of the driving influencers of Pixies came from. Another thing very carefully implemented into this record is the story telling by both Black Francis and Kim Deal. Iconic songs like Monkey Gone To Heaven , and Crackity Jones, display the way Pixies relay a story in a unique, and sometimes comical way on this album. This story telling very well could of paved the way for newer contemporaries who use the same kind of , or similar techniques in their own music such as Mark Kozelek of Sun Kill Moon, or Matt Shultz of Cage The Elephant. These stories are only made possible by all the different ways the vocals are attacked on Doolittle. At times we hear screaming, whispering, monotone talking, and even loud distorted vocals off some of the harder material on this record like Dead. It gives this record so much flavor and versatility and keeps the listener on their toes all the way through. Doolittle truly was Pixies push into not only the spotlight of the 90s but into their status of the rock/punk legends they are considered as today.